Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unit 1: Patterns in Whole Numbers

Patterns exist in our world, and are found abundantly in mathematics. Finding a pattern is a good problem-solving strategy. A student who is proficient at recognizing and developing patterns should more easily develop algebraic reasoning.

There are many strategies for solving problems. It is important to use the most appropriate and efficient strategy when solving a problem. The ability to choose the appropriate strategy will become increasingly more important as students go further in their study of mathematics.

The ability to find the lowest common multiple of two or more numbers is a valuable tool when finding common denominators for adding and subtracting fractions.

Unit 1 Evaluation Summary:

1) Tests/Quizzes (40%)

2) Weekly Group Assessment Tool (15%)

3) Weekly Individual Assessment Tool (15%)

4) Unit Problem (15%)

5) Daily Work/Participation (15%)

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